How To Take Care Of Your Nails This Summer

Let’s talk summer nails tips & tricks to maximize your nail wrap wear and keep your nails healthy all summer long! Wash your hands before you apply your nail wraps. We know long days in the sun means you might be in store for a sunburn. Keep applying that aloe lotion, babe. But remember to wash it off before you do your nails. Always finish your nails with a top coat. Top coats are crucial as they keep your nails in tact and gorgeous. In the summer, a top coat is even more important to protect against the chemicals in your sunscreen and in pool water. If you are having problems with sunscreen and your nail wraps, try a different top coat or our InstaGlo nail wrap top coat. Drink loads of water. Yes, we know you’ve heard this before. But think about it: if you want your nails to be strong and healthy, you need to keep them (and the rest of your body) hydrated and happy. Apply a good cuticle oil every night. Your nails deserve love, but so does the skin around them. The hot summer days have a high risk of dry skin, which in turn gives you a higher chance of hangnails. Remedy this by putting on a quick layer of cuticle oil or hand cream before bed every night.
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